Maize has iron deficiency, chlorosis between leaf veins, stripe mosaic leaves, and symptoms of heart and leaf are heavy; in severe cases, the heart does not come out, the plants grow poorly, the dwarfs, the fertility delays, and some can't even head. Zanthoxylum bungeanum seedlings, known as "flower leaf stripe disease", "white stripe dry leaf disease." Zinc deficiency maize 3-5 leaf stage pale yellow to white, more obvious from the base to 2/3. After the jointing, yellow and white chlorotic spots appeared between the ribs and the leaf margins, forming broad and white patches or bands. The leaves disappeared and translucent, resembling white silk or plastic film, and the wind was easy to tear. Late diseased leaves and sheaths often appear purple or purple brown, internode shortening, roots become dark, tasseling delay, the formation of lack of grain tip corn sticks. Sex Chewing Gum,Sex Sugarless Gum,Sex Pk Chewing Gum,Sex Healthy Chewing Gum Soar Biotech Co.,Ltd ,
Differences between iron deficiency and zinc deficiency in maize>
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