Rabbit regulates body temperature

Rabbit regulates body temperature

Rabbits are densely covered with hair, lacking sweat glands (only a small amount of sweat glands on the lips), and the body temperature regulation function is not perfect, so the ability to disperse through sweating and skin is inferior to other livestock. The main route of rabbit heat dissipation is breathing and excretion. When the outside temperature rises, rabbits increase the number of breathing, in order to achieve the purpose of cooling, but because the rabbit chest is small, the lung is not well developed, relying on increasing the number of breathing to heat dissipation is a certain limit. Therefore, long-term high-temperature environment can cause rabbits to lose appetite, indigestion, and decline in reproductive capacity. At high temperatures, adequate drinking water should be provided to promote excretion and enhance the dissemination of body heat. There is a significant age difference in the adaptation of rabbits to changes in the ambient temperature. Young rabbits require higher ambient temperatures, and it is difficult to maintain normal body temperature at lower temperatures. In contrast, mature rabbits are resistant to cold and are not tolerant to high temperatures. . China Agricultural Network Editor