Early control of rice rot>
Rice gill disease (rough blight) has occurred in a considerable number of areas in our province. Zhuxiang Town of Changfeng County has concluded in recent production practices that if jaundice and dead cockroaches are found on seedbeds, timely prevention and control can avoid greater damage. Loss. The specific prevention and control methods are as follows: 1. Use 0.08-0.1g of rice disease to quickly kill 50% rice disease per square meter and dilute it by 1000-fold for seedbed spraying. 2, per square meter with 0.1-0.15 g 18% Astragalus savior diluted 1000 times, seedbed spray. 3. 0.1g of 18% hymexazol per square meter diluted 800 times and sprayed. The above method should be sprayed after four in the afternoon, 2-3 days will be able to stop returning green, if the seedlings due to the lack of nutritional yellow, add 0.1% Wankang 15 grams of mixed spray per barrel of water. Better results.
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