Loofah Cultivation Technology--Sowing and Cultivation

Loofah Cultivation Technology--Sowing and Cultivation

Seeding: Loofah like high temperature, seedlings grow slowly and slowly at low temperature, feasible seedling transplanting or live seeding, before planting, generally first germination, the seeds soaked for 8-10 hours, removed and wrapped with a damp cloth, placed in a warm place, by 2 - 3 days after bud emergence, the Yangtze River Valley area is more than late March to early April with cold-bed nursery (seedling method with cucumber), when the seedlings with 1-2 true leaves when planting, with 200 per acre seed amount - 300 grams, open field broadcasters from late April to early May, sow 3-4 seeds per hole, cover soil 1.5 cm after sowing, and fully watered, about 3-4 days before emergence; South China area with large area of ​​cultivation of ribbed gourd Mainly, it can be divided into three planting periods, spring broadcast 2-3 months, summer broadcast 4-5 months, nursery transplants, autumn broadcasters live in early July-August to extend the supply period. The non-nuclear loofah was planted sporadically in May-May. Cultivation: Loofah root system is developed, the cultivator should not be too deep, generally 2-3 times in shallow cultivator before the tower, 4-5 times during the growth of soil cultivation, each ditch in the rhizosphere 1-2 cm, promoting the adventitious roots Keeping the soil temperature and increasing the absorption capacity. Loofah vines grow 8-10 meters or more and must be scaffolded to allow them to grow. Wide-leaf cultivators grow flat in groups of two. Shed height 1.6-2 meters; narrow planting or nesting general hedgerows, with a 2.6-3 meters long bamboo poles, a hole in the two bamboo poles tied between the two straw rope, so that the vines along the straw rope Grow. Loofah main vine growth potential, female flowers and more results early, in order to promote the main vine growth, the male flower should be promptly removed before the shelf, tendrils and inverted vines, saving nutrient consumption. After the mother vines are put on the shelf, they are often bred. When the density is too dense, the thin, weak side vines will be cut off, the tendrils will be evenly distributed on the scaffolding to facilitate ventilation, and the hedgerows shall be immediately removed from the side vines. Stay in the main vine. The male flowers of loofah are infinite racemes. From section 6 leaves, each male has male flowers. In order to save nutrient consumption, some inflorescences should be promptly deleted during the formation of inflorescences. According to the experience of farmers in Hangzhou, each female flower should retain 3-5. Male flower is a degree, you can achieve pollination purposes.


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