How to make urea more effective

How to make urea more effective

Although the common urea can be quickly dissolved in the solution after being applied to the soil, the amount of direct absorption by the root system of the crop is very small. Urea can only be absorbed in large quantities only after it is hydrolyzed to ammonium nitrogen under the action of soil urease. Generally, some urease is present in farmland soils, especially those with high mechanical properties and high soil fertility. Therefore, after ordinary urea is applied to soil, it will be converted into ammonium nitrogen more quickly for crop absorption and utilization. Of course, the temperature has a great influence on the rate of urea conversion in soil in different seasons. Once the urea is hydrolyzed to ammonium nitrogen, if the crop is still in the seedling stage to absorb very little nitrogen, then the presence of large amounts of free ammonia may cause loss of nitrogen and reduce the utilization rate. Therefore, some people delay the time of urea hydrolysis by adding urease inhibitors in order to prolong their fertility. Thus, after urea was added to the soil with urease inhibitors, the urease activity was inhibited, the hydrolysis was inhibited, and its presence in the soil was longer than ordinary urea, which was called "stabilized urea."

So what is urease? What is its role? What are the common urinary enzyme inhibitors?

According to experts, urease, also known as urease, is a type of nickel (Ni) metalloenzyme secreted by many soil microbes. Its main role is to promote the decomposition of urea. Under the participation of water, the urea is decomposed into ammonium carbonate, which is then dissociated into ammonia (NH3) and carbonic acid. Ammonium can be retained by the soil and not easily lost, but can also be absorbed and utilized by crop roots. However, if a large amount of urea is used and the crop cannot be absorbed or utilized in time or exceeds the soil holding capacity, excessive free ammonia may be lost due to volatilization. Moreover, ammonia is further nitrified in the soil and turned into nitrate nitrogen. Nitrate nitrogen is characterized by being unable to be washed and lost by the soil, and may also cause denitrification under the weather conditions to constitute gaseous losses. Therefore, when a single urea or urine-based compound fertilizer is used as a form or a large amount of application, in order to prolong the fertility period and avoid the loss of large amounts of accumulated free ammonia, a urease inhibitor may be added to urea.

Common urease inhibitors include: hydroquinone, phenyl mercury acetate, copper sulfate, o-phenylphosphine diamine (PPD), catechol, thiophosphoric triamide (NBPT) and so on.

How to use urea with urease inhibitor? Experts said that from a practical point of view, we must first make a choice. The ideal urease inhibitors should be strong inhibitory, safe and easy to use, with low residue, adequate sources, and low cost.

Before use, the urea should be added in a certain proportion to be applied together, that is, according to the type and the amount of nitrogen applied. Different urease inhibitors use the same urease inhibitor in the same soil and different soil conditions, and the urea hydrolysis process will be different. The results of the general laboratory's fertilizer efficiency test, once entered into the field, will have different effects and show unstable characteristics. For example, auxiliaries that are effective at A to B do not work well; they are effective on one crop (such as wheat) and worse on another crop (such as rice). In particular, it should be noted that some dosage forms and their decomposition products are still toxic to certain soil microorganisms or crops. To avoid side effects, there must be a choice between the target crop and the ecological conditions.

Is Urea Enzyme Inhibitor Added to Urea for Topdressing? Top dressing refers to the fertilization during the period of strong crop growth. In general, quick-acting fertilizers are supplied on the basis of basal fertilizer to meet the large demand for nutrients in the fast-growing period of crops. Most crops use topdressing during flowering and seeding, requiring that urea be converted into ammonium nitrogen in time, so that it can be used as soon as possible by the crop. Therefore, it is not necessary to add urease inhibitors. In production, people prefer to use ammonium nitrogen as top-dressing because urea is inherently slower than ammonium nitrogen.

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