Another benefit of vitamins for the human body is that it can help the growth and development of the human body to operate normally, especially for teenagers, vitamins are one of the essential nutrients in the growth process. For example, vitamin D can well adjust the metabolism of some trace elements in the human body, and can also promote the absorption of calcium by the human body, maintain bone health, and maintain a balance between the blood phosphorus level and the blood calcium level in the human body. Vitamin Efficacy,vitamin drink,The benefits of vitamins,vitamin water YT(Xi'an) Biochem Co., Ltd. , Tea is now more and more popular with young people, especially office owners. There is a wide range of tea available on the market. It is difficult to choose at one time. When there is no scientific instrument, it can be identified based on color, smell, shape and taste.
Different teas have different shades of color. The general green tea should be yellow-green or emerald green. If it is dark and dark brown, the quality is generally not good. Oolong tea leaves are generally dark brown.
The quality of the tea is related to the leaves it picks. From the appearance, the quality of the tea can be discriminated. The shape of the good tea is mostly flat and the roots are tight. If the leaf surface is rough and the quality is light, it is not a good tea.
Tea itself has a fragrance, such as green tea with fragrance, black tea with fragrance and sweet or floral; oolong tea with ripe peach and so on. If the aroma is low, there is qi and mildew, and it can be categorized as inferior tea.
The taste of tea is composed of various ingredients such as bitter, sweet, and so on. Different teas have different tastes. Green tea has a bitter feeling when it is first tasted, but the aftertaste is strong and mellow. Old and bad teas are light and tasteless, and even astringent. Black tea has a strong, intense, and inferior black tea that is bland and tasteless. Kudingcha is very bitter at the entrance, but it is sweet after drinking.
How to pick a good tea>