Live shrimp transport technology

Green shrimp is delicious and nutritious, and it is well sold in domestic and foreign markets. It is inevitable that long-distance or short-distance transportation will be required for the exchange of shrimps between regions. Based on the practice of live shrimp transportation in the shrimp pr.......

"Paddy-fish Poultry" Ecological Aquaculture Technology

In recent years, the mountainous areas in western Yunnan have adapted to local conditions and have vigorously promoted the “one rice and one fish” breeding model, which has achieved certain results. In order to further increase economic efficiency, the people tried to bring in poul.......

Family ornamental fish breeding method

In recent years, as people's living standards have gradually improved, more and more families raise ornamental fish. Because most families lack breeding techniques for ornamental fish, such technical problems often occur in the breeding process and they are not able to display their orname.......

Livestock and poultry feed added kelp benefits

First, feed cows. Adding 5% of kelp powder to the dairy cow's feed can increase milk production by 2%. It can also increase the cow's estrus rate and conception rate. Second, feed the sheep. Adding kelp powder to feed ewes by 1% of the dry matter content of the feed can significantly i.......