Studies show that children with ADHD are associated with asthma

Studies show that children with ADHD are associated with asthma

Studies show that children with ADHD are associated with asthma

July 31, 2018 Source: Xinhua Author: Zhang Jiawei

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Xinhua News Agency, London, July 29th, a new study led by the University of Southampton, UK, found that there is a "significant" association between ADHD and asthma, which may have a major impact on the clinical management of both diseases, and It is expected to bring new insights into the pathophysiology of ADHD.

ADHD, also known as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, is a common type of behavioral disorder in childhood, mainly characterized by inattention, hyperactivity, and emotional impulses that are not commensurate with age and developmental level. Asthma is a common chronic inflammation of the airways, often leading to symptoms such as wheezing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness.

Researchers at the University of Southampton reported in the British Lancet and Psychiatry magazine that they analyzed 49 relevant data sets, including more than 3.3 million people, of which about 210,000 had ADHD. The results showed that 16.9% of patients with ADHD had asthma, 11.5% of those without ADHD; 8.8% of patients with ADHD had ADHD, and the proportion of people without asthma was 5.6%.

In addition, they conducted a population study involving nearly 1.6 million children, of which nearly 260,000 had asthma and nearly 60,000 had ADHD. The results showed that among people with ADHD and those without ADHD, the proportion of asthma was At 24.8% and 16.1%; among those with and without asthma, the proportion of ADHD was 5.5% and 3.3%, respectively.

The data, according to the researchers, suggest that there is a "significant" association between ADHD and asthma, which is not mentioned in current treatment guidelines for ADHD and asthma, so understanding this link will help doctors diagnose relevant problems in a timely manner.

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