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Meat duck anti-stress breeding>
[Effect of Stress on Growth of Meat Ducks] Stress is a disturbance of the body's balance caused by environmental factors and is caused by a variety of factors such as nutrition, temperature, light, and drinking water. At present, the cherry valley and other meat duck breeds have the advantages of rapid growth, high meat yield and strong adaptability, which bring great benefits to producers. Many farmers use greenhouses to raise ducks, but under such high-density dry conditions, environmental factors have a great influence. In the summer, temperature, light, feed, and drinking water are particularly prominent, especially if the ambient temperature is too high, the physiological function of the meat duck may be disturbed, the feed intake may be reduced, the growth of the lighter may be reduced, and the resistance may be reduced. Even death, resulting in economic losses. [Feeding techniques under stress conditions] 1. Creating a comfortable environment In order to reduce stress, we should pay attention to ventilation and convenient water supply when designing houses or building greenhouses; greenhouses should be protected from sunlight; indoor flat-mesh farming, ducks Open ventilation windows around the house to ensure air convection. Fans must be installed when the air temperature is too high. According to the size of the flat screen, the number of ducks (4-6 weeks old at 5 animals/m2) should be properly stocked. 2. Improve the intake of nutritious ducks as the temperature rises, so diet formulas should be adjusted during the summer to ensure the growth needs of the ducks. At the same time increase the vitamin content, VA, VD, VC, VE is 2 times the normal amount. 3. To prevent stress, most farmers are currently feeding commodity feeds from the market, and they can only know their approximate nutritional content from the production label. This requires farmers to strengthen the observation of ducks and find feathers, etc. Abnormal phenomena should be taken in time. (1) For ducks that have been found to have feathers, add 0.4% methionine to the feed and feed them for 3 days. If the duck eats the feathers of the quail, consider adding 1% raw gypsum powder, but in the diet, coarse fiber. If the content is too low, feathering may also occur and it should be analyzed. (2) In case of large changes such as high temperatures, sudden changes in the weather, and reloading, Vc should be added to feedstuffs in combination with 100 mg/kg and 50 mg/kg VE, which is an effective measure to reduce stress damage. Feeding fresh vegetables can increase the intake of vitamins and cellulose in ducks, and it can also effectively prevent duck feathers.
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