Huada Gene Mao Spear: Using cloud computing to make life inseparable from precision medicine

Huada Gene Mao Spear: Using cloud computing to make life inseparable from precision medicine

2016 is the first year of the “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan” and a key year for the Chinese healthcare industry. It now appears that it will be the year of integration and development of the medical industry and information technology represented by big data. In April this year, the General Office of the State Council issued the "2016 Key Tasks for Deepening the Reform of the Medical and Health System", which not only talked about strengthening the work of health information, but also emphasized the need for big data to play a role in the medical front.

The medical industry's emphasis on IT technologies such as big data is not only reflected in government policies, but also in the actual medical treatment system. As the patient’s expectations for quality of treatment increase, as well as innovations in genome sequencing technology, advances in biomedical analysis technology, and the emergence of big data analysis tools, the concept of “ precise medical care ” is gaining More recognition. A simple explanation of "precise medical care" is a new medical concept and medical model based on personalized medicine, with the rapid advancement of genome sequencing technology and the cross-application of biological information and big data science.

No genetic, inaccurate

In our transoceanic interview with Mao Spear, the chief scientific officer of Huada Gene , we learned that the technology related to gene sequencing has a great role in promoting precision medicine. Because in addition to the natural environment and living habits, one of the most important factors related to human illness is the gene.

In the field of precision medicine, gene sequencing can play two main roles. The first is to help patients with personalized precision medicine, and the second is to predict diseases through genes. Although the application is mainly concentrated in the first one, in the future, normal human genetic sequencing will become an important market. As the cost of sequencing decreases, the role of gene sequencing in the human body is likely to be like the weather forecast for dressing. Precisely predict the likelihood of disease.

"Precision medicine is a relatively new word, but medical treatment has always been more precise. For example, surgery needs to find the part that must be removed. The internal medicine needs to find antibiotics for a certain bacteria. These are accurate manifestations." The understanding of Mao Mao, precision medical treatment in the last one or two years will become a hot topic, mainly because of its breakthrough in cancer treatment.

Huada Gene Mao Spear: Using cloud computing to make life inseparable from precision medicine

Chief Scientist of Huada Gene, Mao Mao

In the previous 10-20 years, tumor treatment was a relatively inaccurate field. Today, through targeted mutations in different tumors, precise targeted therapy for cancer cells is achieved, with better results and fewer side effects.

Therefore, genetic testing has also been used primarily in the identification of pathogens in the 1990s to determine which pathogens a patient is infected with. After becoming a year 2000, it has entered the field of cancer and genetic diseases and has risen to the level of individualized medical care for patients.

Huada Gene has been providing diagnostic evidence for precision medicine. To some extent, we can understand Huada Gene as a laboratory and pathology department similar to a hospital. Specifically, by reading and analyzing genes, we can see the correlation between genes and diseases and treatment, and ultimately guide the treatment of this patient. And the BGI gene makes the detection process more efficient and scalable, providing testing for hundreds of testers at a time.

In order to promote the deepening application of precision medicine, last year, Huada Gene also established the first cloud platform for positioning accurate medical applications with Intel and Alibaba Cloud to build China and even the Asia-Pacific region.

Chemical Materials

Chemical Materials,Sodium Benzoate,Sodium Diacetate,Potassium Sorbate