P. auriculasis is a non-infectious physiological disease that occurs everywhere.
Certified Organic Honey is harvested with extreme care, 100% pure, natural, unheated and unfiltered, fresh from healthy beehives. The results produce a superior, energy packed honey with the highest possible levels of live enzymes, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, healing agents as a functional whole food.
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(1) Symptoms: When the cultivated bacteria bag or the bacteria bottle is transferred from the growth of mycelium to the formation stage of fruiting bodies, there are clusters of buds, and only the long stipe does not form the cap of the bacteria. When the stipe is elongated to a certain length, the top produces points. Branches and small branches grow again after a certain period of time, and the longer the smaller branches, the more subtle they are and droop, forming a cluster of shrub-like flora, unlike the normal growth of the fruiting stalk, the upward growth of the fruit stalk. After the formation of caps.
(2) Pathogens: Caused by high CO2 concentration and excessive humidity. When the mycelium grows to a certain stage toward the formation of fruit bodies, the bag or bottle is planted, and after the appearance of the primordium, proper ventilation and light stimulation should be maintained, and the temperature of the mushroom house should be reduced. The accumulation of CO2 gas concentration inside and outside the mouth is too high, oxygen deficiency and lack of weak light stimulation, coupled with high humidity, resulting in abnormal growth of fruiting bodies, only the long stipe does not form a cap, and continue to produce branches at the top.
(3) Control methods: After emergence of fruit body primordia, attention should be paid to proper ventilation and given certain light stimulation to prevent excessive accumulation of CO2 gas inside and outside the bacteria bag and excessive humidity, so as to provide suitable environmental conditions for fruit body formation. Once the growth of the mushroom bud is found to be abnormal, and the tip of the stipe is bifurcated and drooping, it is eliminated in time, and the re-creation of environmental conditions conducive to the formation of the fruit body can still function normally.
We sell only 100% pure & High Quality Amber Buckwheat Honey
Our Buckwheat Honey is rich with a distinctive "buckwheat" flavour.
Dark-colored honeys in general and buckwheat honey in particular have been shown to possess exceptionally strong antioxidant properties.
Organic Honey is when theflowers that the bees get the nectar from has not been sprayed with chemicals. As long as beekeepers control where the bees go, they`ll know that they`re getting honey from organic flowers so that they can make sure that the honey is pure and natural organic.
How to correctly identify buds>