The gray mold of capsicum is caused by the infestation of the genus Botrytis cinerea and is the same pathogen as cucumber and tomato gray mold. The pathogenic bacteria overwintered in the soil or on diseased plant residues with mycelia, sclerotia, and conidia. Spread the epidemic by air flow, insects, irrigation water or other agricultural operations. The development temperature of the bacteria ranged from 2°C to 31°C, the optimal temperature was 23°C, and the relative humidity was 95% or more. Therefore, the continued high relative humidity is the main factor in the occurrence and prevalence of grey mold, especially in winter and spring greenhouses or greenhouse nursery, high humidity or continuous rainy weather on the seedbed, low temperature, high density and prolonged ventilation. It is most likely to cause the occurrence and spread of gray mold. Southern spring is sown to the ground, when it is cold and rainy, the incidence is heavier. Fruit And Vegetables Cutting Machine fruit and vegetables be cut into clivers, pcs, and cubes Industrial Vegetable Cutting Machine,Vegetable Cutting Machine,Commercial Vegetable Cutting Machine,Fruit Dicing Machine JIANGSU SKYPLAN GREENHOUSE TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD ,
How does hot pepper mold occur?>