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Fermented apple pomace is good for feeding cows>
I. Resource of China's fruit residue is rich China's fruit resources rank first in the world, and it is a big country for fruit cultivation and processing. In 2002, the annual output of Apple was only 25.5 million tons, accounting for more than 40% of the world's total output of 60 million tons. China is also a major producer and exporter of concentrated apple juice. The annual output of apple juice is nearly 400,000 tons, of which exports reach 320,000 tons. Nearly 3 million tons of by-products of apple juice are processed into apple juice, and the total by-products of by-products such as pear slag, peach slag, strawberry slag and other fruits are close to 10 million tons. The fruit juice production season is concentrated, except for a small amount of fruit slag used for deep processing, the vast majority have not been well utilized, resulting in a huge waste of feed resources and serious environmental pollution, affecting the juice plant production and the environment. The apple juice byproduct, apple juice, is used as an ideal medium for propagating probiotics. It is then inoculated with probiotics for fermentation and finally processed into highly functional animal feed, turning waste into quality feed products. . II. Direct feeding of untreated fruit residue and its negative impact on dairy cows Fresh fruit residue is directly fed to the animals, ie, the farmer will directly feed the animals with the fresh fruit residue of the juice plant, and the practice shows that it is used in the feed of ruminants such as dairy cows. Appropriate addition of fresh fruit residue is feasible, but the amount should be controlled within 5 kg (fresh). If the amount is too large, the continuous intake of fresh apple dregs by cows or beef cattle for 7 to 10 days will affect the rumen microbes and the production performance will be drastically reduced. Therefore, the use of fresh pomace is limited. The fresh apple pomace is air-dried into air-dried material under natural conditions. Feeding the cows should also control the amount of feed. Normally, the amount of milk per cow per day is controlled at about 1 kg. Excessive feeding will also cause digestive problems. The main side effects are diarrhea or diarrhea, and the production performance declines. Third, the fruit residue after the biological fermentation changes The fruit residue inoculated probiotics for biological fermentation, can change the nature of the fruit residue. The conversion of fruit juice from by-products of fruit juice to animal feed can significantly increase the production performance of dairy cows and achieve the goal of turning waste into treasure. Compared with the main nutrient components of fermented pomace and directly dried pomace, it can be seen that due to the use of microbial and non-protein materials in the fermentation process, the content of crude protein in the fermented pomace is obviously increased, and fat, calcium and phosphorus are The content has also increased. At the same time, after the fruit slag was fermented by microorganisms, its acidity, probiotics, reducing sugars and other structural substances all changed, which increased the palatability of animals. Fourth, the use of fruit pomace fermentation of bacteria in the three-tier culture First-class culture: First-class strains of eggplant bottle slant culture, in sterile air, each bottle with 50 ml of medium, you can make 10 Even the first bottle expansion was carried out on 100 bevels. The medium was potato culture medium, and 1 liter of water was used as the unit. The medium was composed of 250 grams of potatoes, 20-25 grams of glucose/sucrose, and agar added in total amount of 100%. Secondary strain culture: The secondary strains are carried out in the fermenter. The size of the fermenter depends on the production needs. Fermentation and culture of the bacteria liquid can not be overtime to prevent strains from aging. The broth in the fermenter includes: water + various culture materials + bacteria. Remove the first-grade strain from the bottle and add to the fermenter as needed to stir. In the tertiary culture, the bacterial liquid is taken out from the fermenter of the secondary culture and added to the fruit residue as required to carry out the solid fermentation. The fermentation time is 30 hours. After the fermentation is completed, the molecular structure of the fermented pomace changes and is affected by the microorganism. The treatment of intracellular water liberated into the cell outside the absorption of water, but the water content is still about 80%, still threatened by mold corruption caused by mildew, only to quickly reduce the moisture to below 14%, can make the fermented pomace to be stored. The fermented pomace shall be immediately spread out on the field for drying, or be dehydrated and treated with a drying machine. When the culture product reaches a moisture content of less than 14%, it is subjected to a pulverization treatment, followed by granulation and packaging. Fifth, the method of feeding the dairy cow with fermented pomace The fermented pomace can be used as a functional feed. There are mainly two kinds of usage and usage: the first is to use instead of the concentrate, and the experiment of Beijing Sanyuan Green Lotus Culture Center shows that: The use of fermented pomace as feed ingredients for the preparation of concentrate feed, the proportion of the feed in the feed is about 10% to 15%, after the use of dairy cows on the basis of 25 kilograms of milk production per day, daily milk production increased by more than 1.5 kilograms: The second is to replace anthraquinones such as beetroot, and Shanghai Guangming Dairy’s experiments showed that each cow uses 4 kg of fermented pomace instead of the same amount of beetroot per day, and the average daily milk yield is 33 kg/head. Dairy cows increased milk production by 1.89 kg/head each day, while milk fat and milk protein content improved slightly. In actual production, the amount of fermented pomace can be determined according to the specific conditions. However, unfermented pomace needs to be used with caution.