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Domestic electronic appliances>
The author noticed that in the recent period of zui, there have been several incidents in which domestic electronic and electrical appliance manufacturers' products were warned by consumers in foreign markets. For example, an outdoor wall lamp near Zui was warned by consumers in Cyprus. The reason for finding these events has a common feature: they are not in compliance with the EU Low Voltage Electrical Appliances Directive and related standards.
To this end, the author specifically understands the EU Low Voltage Electrical Appliances Directive, and has tested this well-known third-party testing agency PONY Penny. A safety certification expert has received the author, and the Penny experts said: recent electrical consumption The EU Low Voltage Electrical Appliance Directive, which is involved in the warning incident, is one of the four directives in the EU CE compulsory certification. In addition, the EU CE certification also includes the Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive (EMC), the Machinery Directive Machinery, and the (Ordinary) Medical Device Directive ( MDD); and the above mentioned certifications are within the scope of certification according to regulations, in addition to the EU CE certification standards, as well as UL, VDE, PSE, FCC, SMARK, EK and other safety certification standards. To this end, the experts of the Penny test reminded me that in order to ensure that the sales of the products in the target country are not affected, it is recommended that the production enterprises go to the professional testing institutions for safety certification testing before the products are exported, so as to ensure the smooth sales of the products in the EU.