Recently, the author discovered during the process of changing the shed that there are many problems with various kinds of vegetables in the shed. A large crop of eggplant leaves are yellowing, tomatoes are slow to puff the fruit, can't stand t.......
In the second season, the intercropping potato should be selected as early-maturing and detoxified varieties. The spring potato cultivation should adopt the film mulching method to shorten the symbiotic period with other crops as much as possible,.......
Question: Recently, some netizens "Bitansha" consulted: the surface of the peach fruit first appeared brown spots, then shrink and rot, want to know what caused this? How should we prevent it?
Dong Xin and Dong Yanbin A: Accordin.......
The Korea Food Research Institute found through cell and animal experiments that the phlorotannin (pisphinol tannin) component isolated from brown algae has the effect of preventing Alzheimer's d.......