In the recent Chinese cabbage, there are yellow leaves, and the yellow side is accompanied by wilting symptoms. This is caused by the mustard Brassica plantarum, which incurs diseases such as Chinese cabbage, cabbage, kale, broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables. If it is called Chinese.......
Regular full-rate feeds should be fed every day in order to ensure the nutrition, growth and production needs of livestock and poultry, and promote digestion, absorption and metabolism. Generally, livestock and poultry are fed 3 times a day, breeding livestock and poultry, livestock and po.......
(Shanghai, September 26, 2011) Cognex Corporation (Nasdaq: CGNX) introduces a new feature for In.......
Color: Good quality soybean oil is dark yellow, generally light yellow; rapeseed oil is yellow with a little green or golden yellow; peanut oil is light yellow or light orange.......
Uniformity refers to the percentage of chickens whose weight falls within 10% of the average body weight as a percentage of the total number of chickens tested. Reasonable uniformity is not only conducive to the rapid growth of chickens, but also reduces the incidence of chicken disease. <.......
In view of the special working nature of the freezer, some c.......
First, broiler sterilisation can only give chicks a safe and healthy environment in order to have a good start. The disinfection of the shed is divided into four steps, the first step, cleaning. Clean up the chicken waste in the house, including dirt, dust, etc. thoroughly. Many diseases a.......