Lishida Soybean Sauce,as a Chinese traditional sauce,is mainly for noodles and fried dishes,and perfect for dipping dumplings,cold dishes,crispy wontons.It's also used for seasoning when stir frying pork and chicken.It is brewed from high quality non-GMO yellow soybeans in the traditional process to make sure this product is salty,fresh and healthy! Fermented Soybean Sauce,Soya Bean Sauce KAIPING CITY LISHIDA FLAVOURING&FOOD CO.,LTD ,
In view of the special working nature of the freezer, some corresponding specific requirements have been put forward for the lubricating medium. For this purpose, a special freezer lubricating oil has been developed.
When selecting lubricating oil, it should be comprehensively analyzed and compared according to the type of the freezer, the type of refrigerant used and its evaporating temperature, and the specific working conditions of the freezer (such as speed, load, working environment, etc.) Specific specifications or grades of machine oil.
For small and low speed (uniform linear speed less than 2m / s) double cylinder piston freezer can choose N15 or N22 refrigeration oil, for large and medium high speed (uniform speed greater than 3m / s) multi-cylinder piston freezer can choose N32 Or N46's refrigerating machine oil, N68 refrigerating machine oil can be selected for piston type refrigerator with high exhaust gas temperature and heavy load, and the use condition is particularly harsh; N32 or N46 refrigerating machine oil can be used for the oil-lubricated screw type refrigerating machine; Small dry (non-injection-lubricated) screw chillers and centrifugal chillers, because the lubricating oil can not be in contact with the refrigerant, the N32 or N46 refrigeration oil can be selected according to the load of the gearbox and the main bearing, and the viscosity can also be selected. The equivalent is equivalent to L-TSA32 or L-TSA46 gasoline engine oil.
How to buy lubricants for refrigerators>
Lubricating oil is used in various types of machinery to reduce friction and protect the mechanical and processing parts of liquid lubricants, mainly for lubrication, cooling, rust prevention, cleaning, sealing and buffering.
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