When the pomegranate garden is filled in winter

When the pomegranate garden is filled in winter

Answer: The time for pomegranate garden winter irrigation is generally 5 centimeters deep and the average soil temperature is stable at 5 °C. At this time, even if the nighttime temperature drops below 0°C, freezing will occur and the temperature can still thaw after daytime temperature rise. Winter irrigation is too early, the temperature is still relatively high, evaporation is large, is not conducive to water conservation, reducing the cold resistance of pomegranate. Too late because of the low temperature, soil compaction, water infiltration does not go, the frozen water, the roots are vulnerable to freezing damage. The amount of irrigation water on the day after the water infiltration into the ground, seepage to the root distribution layer, that is 20 to 30 cm of young fruit trees, adult fruit trees 70 to 100 cm, the soil moisture is maintained at 60% to 80% of the maximum water capacity in the field is suitable . After the winter irrigation, it is necessary to protect the soil in time to prevent soil compaction.

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