It is not advisable to water immediately after filling with the fungicide. Watering immediately after irrigating will quickly dilute the liquid in the soil and reduce the bactericidal and disease-preventive effects. Therefore, try not to water within a few days after using the fungicide to root. After using the fungicide to irrigate the roots, once the crops appear wilting, yellowing, and stop growing, they can be remedied by watering to avoid significant losses. Remedial measures: First, watering once quickly, to dilute the concentration of the soil of traditional Chinese medicine; Second, timely use of rooting agent or love more or Yunda 120 spray plus irrigation roots, which will help ease the damage and restore plant growth. Soybean Planter,Sorghum Planter,No-Tillage Planter,No-tillage Rotary Planter Shandong Dahua Machinery Co.,Ltd ,
The fungicide should not be watered before and after irrigating>
It is not advisable to water before using the fungicide to irrigate the roots. First, because the root disease of the crop has already occurred, if the water is sprayed, the bacteria will spread with the flowing water and cause more dead trees. The second reason is that watering can easily lead to a decrease in the permeability of the soil, and the lack of oxygen in the roots produces roots that reduce the resistance to stress, making it easier to infect pathogens. In addition, after watering and irrigating the root, the liquid medicine is more difficult to infiltrate, and the excessive use of the medicine also tends to make the soil less permeable, easily causing the roots of the crops to grow and exacerbating the occurrence of dead trees. Therefore, watering should not be performed before irrigating the roots.
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