Function Indications Soil white peony is a Chinese medicine, bitter, cold. The roots are spindle-shaped, with a grayish-brown surface that is shrunken and cross-hatched. There are heat phlegm, dampness, swelling and swelling effect. Heat phlegm, dampness, swelling and swelling. Hot cough, dysentery, gonorrhea, urinary tract infections, drunkenness, rheumatism, sore throat, red eyes, eczema, bloated. 1 "Preparation of Herbalism": Treatment of weak limbs and dips. Blood, post-natal chicken stew. Regulate the top of the wine, eliminate the small intestine, and apply acne. 2 "Lingnan Herbal Medicine Record": rule wine pot; also rule the wind, can phlegm, and treatment of limbs in the restless, so that the dip. 3 "Luochuan Materia Medica": pull poison myogenic, cure scars, ulcers. 4 "Nanning Medicine Journal": heat, detoxification, Sanjie, pain relief. Hot cough and large blisters. 5 Guangzhou Forces "common Chinese herbal medicine manual": urinary tract infections, stones, pediatric hoarding, sore throat, mumps, acute conjunctivitis, eczema, acne carbuncle swelling. 6 "Yunnan Chinese herbal medicine": Yangyin heat, detoxification. Governance fever thirsty, sores, snake bite imitation, dysentery. 7 "common folk herbs in Kunming": anti-inflammatory phlegm, pus swelling, Yang Sheng Jin. Treat throat inflammation, Hyperactivity cough, Diabetes, Breast Capillary Microcirculation Microscope
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The efficacy and effect of earthworms>