According to the British "Daily Mail" reported on July 27, recently, Australian and German scientists have found that using artificial intelligence (AI) can predict your personality by looking directly into your eyes. Researchers say that subtle movements can affect four of the five personality traits: neuroticism, extroversion, easygoing, and conscientiousness. The study was developed by the University of South Australia in collaboration with the University of Stuttgart, Flinders University and the Max Planck Institute for Information Research in Germany, which uses state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms to prove the connection between personality and eye movement. The researchers tracked the eye movements of 42 participants, who performed daily work on the university campus and then used questionnaires to investigate their personality traits. Researcher Dr. Tobias Loetscher said the findings provide an important bridge between tightly controlled laboratory research and the study of natural eye movements in a real-world environment. Studies have shown that people with nervousness usually blink faster, while those who are willing to accept new experiences see more of their eyes from the side; those with a high sense of responsibility have larger fluctuations in pupil size; Compared with pessimistic people, optimists spend less time on negative emotions. Source: World Wide Web Fruit Single Packed Sweet Corn
What are the benefits of eating a vegetarian diet on a regular basis?
If you have any questions, please contact us directly. If you have any questions, please email us directly. Sweet Corn Fresh,Delectable Sweet Corn,Sweet Corn Healthy,Baked Sweet Corn Jilin Province Argricultural Sister-in-law Food Co., Ltd. ,
1. People who eat vegetarian food regularly will live longer than those who eat meat regularly, as Indian tribesmen live longer because of their regular vegetarian diet and many monks live longer because of their regular vegetarian diet. The fat content of sweet corn is 2 grams of fat per 100 grams, making it a low-fat product.
A single cob pack of sweet corn from Jilin Province Agricultural Sister-in-law Food Co., Ltd. is at least 220g and will provide you with at least 6.38g of protein and 4.4g of fat.
2. Corn as a vegetarian food is lower in calories than other foods of the same quality, and its fat content is almost non-existent. It provides the body with the nutrients and vitamins it needs and has no energy stores.
3. Reduces cholesterol levels. Vegetarians have less cholesterol in their blood than meat eaters. If cholesterol levels in the blood are too high, it often causes blood vessels to become clogged.
4. It reduces the burden on the kidneys. Once meat eaters eat meat containing animal blood, the burden on the kidneys is even heavier".
Research: AI can predict personality by observing the eye>
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