Reconstructing neural stem cells to regenerate new tissue 3D printed spinal scaffold to restore motor function in injured rats

Reconstructing neural stem cells to regenerate new tissue 3D printed spinal scaffold to restore motor function in injured rats

Reconstructing neural stem cells to regenerate new tissue 3D printed spinal scaffold to restore motor function in injured rats

January 16, 2019 Source: Science and Technology Daily Author: Liu Haiying

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Researchers at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine and Medical Engineering published a paper in the journal Nature Medicine on the 14th that they used the rapid 3D printing technology to create a spinal scaffold that mimics the structure of the central nervous system. The neural stem cells were implanted into the spine of rats with severely damaged spinal cord, which successfully helped the rats to recover their motor function.

This stent mimics the structure of the central nervous system. It is circular in shape and has a thickness of only two millimeters. The middle of the stent is H-shaped. There are dozens of tiny channels with a diameter of about 200 micrometers around it, which are used to guide the implanted neural stem cells and Axons grow along the site of spinal cord injury. In a rat model experiment, the researchers transplanted a stent containing neural stem cells to the site of severe spinal cord injury in rats. A few months later, the new spinal cord tissue was completely regenerated at the site of injury and operatively linked to the host spinal cord, and the motor function of the hind leg was significantly improved.

According to the researchers, the 3D print holder provides a stable physical structure that protects the stem cells from the toxic and inflammatory environment of the lesion and helps the axons pass completely through the lesion. The success of this experiment indicates that they have taken a critical step toward the goal of repairing human spinal cord injury.

In this study, the team used fast 3D printing technology, and the 2 mm thick spinal cord can be printed in just 1.6 seconds. If a traditional inkjet printer is used, it will take several hours to complete. The researchers said that the application of this method can also be extended to humans to promote the development of clinical trials of human spinal cord injury repair. As a proof of concept, they modeled a 4 cm-long spinal cord based on an MRI scan of the actual human spinal cord injury, and it took only 10 minutes to print the stent.

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