How to scientifically use colored agricultural film?

How to scientifically use colored agricultural film?

There are many colors of agricultural film, different films have different effects, and now introduce the role of several colored agricultural film:

1, black film: weeds serious plots or high-temperature season cultivation summer radish, cabbage, autumn cucumber, late tomato, the choice of black agricultural film the best.

2. Purple membrane: This membrane is mainly used for the cultivation of solanaceous and green leafy vegetables in winter and spring greenhouses or plastic greenhouses, which can improve the quality and yield.

3, yellow film: According to the test, covered with a yellow film, celery and lettuce plants grow tall, and pumping vines delayed; bean growth and growth, can promote budding and flowering cucumber, increase production 1 to 1.5 times; coverage of tea, tea quality Superior output increases.

4. Red film: The rice seedlings cultivated by the red agricultural film grow vigorously, the sugar content of the sugar beet increases, the carrot straight root is thick, the leek leaves are broad and thick, the harvest is early, and the yield is high. Can fully meet the needs of rice, corn, sugar beet and other crops on the red light, making it grow vigorously.

5, blue film: mainly suitable for rice breeding, is conducive to the cultivation of dwarf seedlings. Can also be used for peanuts, strawberries and beans, eggplant, sweet peppers, tomatoes and other vegetables, melons and other cash crops, can better play a role in weed control.

6, silver-gray film: mainly applicable to summer and autumn vegetables, melons and flue-cured cultivation, can improve the quality, have good disease prevention, anti-worm and whitefly role.

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