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Horses usually do not wait until the danger is approaching. If a horse in a horse feels the possibility of a small predator somewhere nearby, you will find that the entire group of horses runs in the opposite direction until they flee to a range far enough away from the predators. Due to this nature, some horses will suddenly run and jump in the wilderness and may try to get rid of the rider on the back. Although this habit is very dangerous and unbearable to the rider, it is difficult for you to control a horse that you think is your escape.
When training horses, it is obviously unreasonable not to let horses fear strangers. Even though Ma is familiar with an object, perhaps it is not aware that the object poses no danger to it at all. When you try to get the horse through an object that it fears, you give the horse enough space to allow it to be scared.
Common sense 2: The horse learns from Lenovo As mentioned above, if you use a whip to force a horse to approach an object that it is afraid of, then you are just telling it that the fear is correct. In the minds of horses the logic is this: It sees an object and feels scared, then it is hit. "The approach to the object is the source of pain." Such a logic remains in the minds of the horse. The horse associates that object with pain, and it will try its best to avoid the possibility of approaching that object.
On the other hand, if the object is associated with something pleasant, then the horse will think that being close to that object is indeed happy. For example, if a horse is afraid of a flag and escapes, at the same time it feels comfort provided by the rider, perhaps it is only a soothing sound. Then, in its mind, it will establish a "close to the flag, get soothing" association. On the second day, you approach the flag again and dispel the fear of the horse, and then encourage it. This process will be printed in its mind as a happy experience.
People also learn a lot from Lenovo. If you smell the scent of an old friend's perfume, your friend's image may immediately appear in your mind. If you accidentally drive a car accident while listening to a song, it will remind you of the accident when you hear the song in the car again. You learned to associate feelings (hearing songs) with situations (car accidents). The same is true of Ma’s thinking.
Keep this in mind, you will teach the horse a good way of doing things, and your horse and you will all be calm and satisfied.
Common sense 3: Horses have excellent memory Human phobias or the causes of mental disorders usually go back to childhood problems. In the same way, the problem of horse behavior usually exposes the problem of childhood, and a horse can save an unpleasant event in the memory of life. Like the human psychotherapy process, retraining horses is a complex and time-consuming process.
Fortunately, the horse's memory of happiness and joy is equally good. If a horse has been riding by a rider with high skills and communication skills, the same level of rider riding it after many years will evoke its happy memories of that time, showing a desire to cooperate with the rider and smooth movement.
Don't underestimate the horse's ability to remember and recall memories of past events. Horses are clever and sensitive creatures that use memory to protect themselves from recurring misfortunes.
Common sense 4: Horses have quite a lot of emotions and contrary to traditional concepts, horses have a lot of emotions. Horses can feel joy, sadness, fear, love, trust and distrust, excitement, boredom, stress, frustration, curiosity and even embarrassment. Anyone who is serious about observing a horse will learn from the horse's body language how sentimental the horse is.
Previously, horses were thought to be simple animals that would not speak. Thankfully, more and more people are beginning to listen carefully to the voice of the horse and try to understand the idea of ​​the horse. There is now a very good new book on the market that illustrates the deeper understanding of horses.
So how do you see the horse's emotions? Anger and anger seem to be the most predictable. An angry horse may express his emotions by resisting riders, forehands, shaking his head and other movements. These actions can also indicate the horse's excitement or anxiety.
My horse 'Gray' has a typical skinny personality. I simply loved it and it knew it well. I guess it also loved me because when I appeared in front of it, it always showed me a good time to see me. It made a roar, lifted a front leg, and its head looked at me in a special angle, as if saying, 'I'm cute, I'm so glad to see you! '
When we finish training, it will also be self-portrait. It will back the ear, wrinkle the nose, and expose the teeth. Usually, these movements are signs of attack, but I understand the true meaning of Gray's doing this. It only does this for a few minutes before the training is completed and it is returned to the stable. It knows that everything is done today. It wants to tease me with these expressions. When I wore it, I also deliberately exposed my teeth and often used my lips to scratch my clothes, but it never used my teeth to pull me. I understand that this is Gray's way of expressing humor, and I have never bothered about it. I can see from his eyes the smirk that I want to tease me.
When I circled it as usual, especially at the beginning of the training, Gray clearly expressed his refusal mood. He walked to half of the circle, then he lowered his head and pulled his ear to me. When I returned it halfway, it found another chance to turn back to me. It fully understands that it is a spoiled guy, and it is a way for me to negotiate without making a circle. It is by no means an act of resistance or impoliteness. It simply tells me that it is not in a mood to do it today.
Always pay attention to the slight signs that your horse reveals, and you will find out how it feels. A sad horse will pull its ears and will not be interested in the surrounding environment. The boring horses have the same performance. The Malaysian Federation is sad because of the loss of its peers and friends. Whether it is humans, horses or other animals, it may take several months to recover from the sadness. Horses and horses are emotionally dependent on each other and they will feel very lonely if this dependency is destroyed. If you can give true love to horses and let it know that you care about it, horses can love you as much as they like their friends.
Common sense 5: Horses are habitual animals We can always hear that horses have bad habits. At certain moments in the horse's life, Ma's bad habits are triggered by certain things. Repeated repetitions continue to strengthen and consolidate the early signs of these bad habits, and remain in the horse's memory as a fixed habit, and eventually become difficult. get over.
This argument is understood from a practical point of view. Imagine that when the rider asked a horse to run, the horse licked two crickets. The horse quickly entered the running state and the rider ignored the action. Soon, when the rider asked the horse to run again, Ma learned that he could express his excitement in the form of a dice and develop it into its habit. If the rider can stop when the horse is first bitch, regain control of the horse, ask the horse to calmly run and praise when the horse makes a clean transition, then overcome the bad The action will be much easier. Once a malformation develops, it often becomes a horse's lifelong habit. The bad habits are the best choice in the early stages.
Common sense 6: Horses can only learn to whip, kick horses or shout at horses in a calm mood. Maybe they can make the horse obey your request, but at the same time, the most profound thing that Ma learns is that you are afraid of you. Roughness is violent and fearful. The horse may be obedient to you because of fear. However, once this fear disappears, the horse will become more determined. It will show great suspicion and mistrust no matter what you ask it to do.
The horse can concentrate on accomplishing a certain goal on the basis of calmness and relaxation. In addition, the emotions of relaxation will remain in the minds of the horses. The training process will become a benign experience, and it will also help them to look forward to the next training. This repetition will leave a positive impression on the horse and eventually church what you want it to learn. This process requires you to be very patient with horses, but the results you get are definitely worth your money.
Common sense 7: Ma does not think food is a reward
Predators hunting may catch prey and may fail. Therefore, for predators, food is sometimes absent. Horses do not need to catch food like carnivores. Grasses are everywhere. Food stimulation is a very effective reward when training dogs or other carnivores. However, for horses, food is just an ordinary pleasure, not a reward. For example, if a horse is doing well on demand, you give it some carrots, then the happy memories of eating carrots will be kept in its mind.
You cannot use food to bribe a horse to achieve the purpose for which you are required to work. This kind of bribe may work once or twice. Maybe it won't work next time. Eventually the horse will ignore the food you give and ignore your request. It's like you want to bribe a rich man with money and let him do it for you. He won't be interested because he already has enough money.
Common sense 8: Horse can learn at night
Again and again, people will be amazed at how suddenly the horse can learn something that has been doing bad things before. In the training process, some people feel frustrated because of the lack of cooperation. Stop the training at a good point, that is, a stroke or a long slow move will leave the horse's mind with a last-minute pleasant scene. The next day, the horse will probably be happy to do what you have been trying to teach it. In psychology we call this learning model 'hidden learning'.
Kelly Marks recalled one of her horses who didn’t want to cross the ditch. After two hours of hard work, she did not force the horse in any brutal way, but eventually failed. She jumped off the horse and went back to her horse. She thought that the horse could not leap over the ditch. But on the second day, when she rode over a small fence, she took the horse back to the ditch with unrequited feelings. The horse did not hesitate to go over. Since then, the horse hasn’t had any problems since crossing the ditch.
Giving the horse enough time to think can help the horse learn faster. Aggressive behaviors, such as kicking horses and beating horses, may be able to achieve their goals, but they will also give the horse nervousness and unhappiness, and there is no guarantee that this method will work the same next time. The horses are very smart, so please give them room to learn and never force them
Common sense 9: Not all horses are a model. Everyone knows that horses and horses are physically different. They also have differences in spirit. Every rider, trainer, and other people must recognize which training is better for each horse. Bold, brave horses may love the challenges of overcoming obstacles or cross-country events, but for shy and timid horses, cross-country sport is not necessarily fun, and it may even feel cruel. Imagine what it was like when others forced you to do work that you did not like and did not do well.
Yes, the horse can learn, even timid horses can learn to jump obstacles and off-road. I suggest that everyone should give full play to their self-discipline. When you find that the horse is unwilling to accept something you teach it, you should not give up prematurely and continue to try hard until you are sure that the horse is unpleasant in this matter. Remember that horses may perform poorly in a certain training but they excel in other subjects and it is very meaningful to work hard to find out what a horse's specialty is.
Common sense 10: Horses imitate each other
At present, many horse trainers use this feature of horses in their training. One thing to note is that when the horse learns the good habits of other horses, it may also learn bad habits. This is why some people will segregate horses with bad habits in the stables from other horses so as to prevent other horses from learning the same bad habits.
On the one hand is that you can let young horses watch the movements of mature horses to speed up their learning. If your goal is to train youth horse jumping obstacles, let it see how the horses at the competition level train. It does not mean that young horses will automatically jump through obstructions, but their inner attitudes will be greatly changed. .
Sylvia Loch, a famous classical step dancer, has also written many equestrian books. At one time, she wanted to train a horse to learn advanced subjects in dance. Although she worked tirelessly, the horse was reluctant to do PASSAGE. Occasionally, when the horse was released in the yard, she was observing her riding on another horse as a PASSAGE. On the second day, she was very surprised to find that when she applied a little support, the horse was pleased. Made PASSAGE action.
Horse, God has given a gift to mankind. We bring the horse into the stables, brush it, feed it, talk to it, love it, and hope to give it happiness. But sometimes why does the horse seem very stubborn? Why does it bounce excitedly when we want it to be quiet? Why does it not move when we clearly want to let it go? Why do they sometimes obey and sometimes pretend that they do not understand? Is this just a matter of intelligence? Or may there be problems with instinct?
Horse behavior knowledge>
Common sense 1: The horse is a 'escape' type animal in the wild and horses belong to predators. They are not hunt but are hunt. Nature gives the horse a strong sense of consciousness and helps them to better protect themselves. When a horse is potentially dangerous, it will not bravely resist but will turn to run in the opposite direction to the danger. This day's sexuality proves that the horse is a theory of 'Flight' animals rather than 'Fight' animals.