Handheld salinometer

Handheld salinometer

Handheld salinometer

A hand-held salinometer is used to conveniently and quickly determine the weight percent concentration or refractive index in a salt (sodium chloride) solution. Widely used in salt, food, beverage and other industrial sectors as well as agricultural production and scientific research.

working principle:

Hand-held salinometers mainly use light to cause refraction when entering a medium from another medium, and the ratio of the incident angle sine is always constant. This ratio is called the refractive index. By using the content of the soluble substance in the salt solution and the refractive index in a normal ratio, the refractive index of the salt solution can be determined, so that the salinometer/refractometer can calculate the salt concentration.

Application place:

The salinometer can quickly read the salt concentration or seawater specific gravity. It is widely used in marine, fishery, seawater used in farms, seawater or artificial seawater used in aquariums, and concentration management of salt water used for storing fish.

Functional Food Ingredients

Shaanxi Kang New Pharmaceutical co., Ltd. , https://www.apipepdites.com

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