English name: Chengdu chub The narrow distribution area is only found in the waters near Chengdu and Peng County in Sichuan Province. The population is small. Due to the distribution of small water bodies in the vicinity of the city, it is affected not only by industrial sewage but also by fisheries such as poisons and electric fish, resulting in a significant decrease in the number of individuals in the population. At present, it is rarely seen in the distribution area. Endangered grade: vulnerable. Body length, side flat, abdomen round. Head length and body height are about equal. Kiss a little blunt. At the end of the mouth, the mouth cracks downward, and the maxilla extends backwards only up to the vertical of the anterior edge of the eye; there is a prominent protrusion at the front of the mandible that coincides with the maxillary depression. No need. The eye is smaller and is located at the kiss end. Scales small, lateral line scales 60-67. The starting point of the dorsal and pelvic fins is opposite, located in the center of the body; the anal fins are well developed, and the longest ray of the male fish reaches the caudal fin base; The back of the body is black and gray, and its abdomen is silver-white. There are more than 10 black stripes on the body side with red spots. The dorsal and caudal fins are gray with green spots and the other fins are red. Nonwoven Finished Products,Surgical Drape,Patient Surgical Gown,Sticker Protective Coverall,Delivery Pack,C-Section Pack,Surgical U Drape XINLE HUABAO MEDICAL PRODUCTS CO.,LTD. , https://www.golbaltravel.com
Common name: Origin and production period of fish, two-tailed son:
Living in small rivers, small rivers, and small streams. Chang Xi inhabits the clear water of micro-flowing water.
Chengdu (Zacco chengtui) is a subfamily of the order Aphididae, Acipenseridae, (Fish on the left, Dan on the right) and Subfamily.
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