Astragalus variety of plant forms

Astragalus variety of plant forms

Astragalus variety of plant forms A variety of plant morphology of Astragalus membranaceus, a perennial herb of Astragalus membranaceus, plant height 50-80 cm. The main root is long, sticky, slightly woody, light brownish-yellow. Stems erect, much branched above. Oddly pinnate compound leaves alternate; leaflets 6-13 pairs, leaf blade elliptic or long oval, apex blunt, truncate or shortly pointed, entire, white villous below; stipules lanceolate Or triangles. Racemes axillary, pedicellate black hardened; calyx bell-shaped, calyx teeth 5; corolla butterfly-shaped, pale yellow; stamens 10, 2(9+1); ovary puberulent. Capsule membranous, semi-ovate, apex spiked, black short hair, seeds 5-6, kidney-shaped, black. Flowering from May to June, fruiting from July to August.

2. Mongolian astragalus perennial herb. Stems erect, branches above. Oddly pinnate compound leaves alternate, leaflets 12 to 18 pairs; leaf blade broadly elliptic or elliptic, subglabrous below; stipules lanceolate. Racemes axillary; calyx campanulate, densely pubescent, 5-carious; corolla yellow, flag leaf oblong-obovate, wing and keel all have long claws; stamens 10, disambiguous; ovary with long handle . Capsule membranous, semi-ovate, glabrous. Flowering from June to July, fruiting period from July to September. Born in sunny meadows and slopes.

The difference: Mongolian jaundice is very similar to the species, the main difference is that there are more leaflets, 12-18 pairs, the smaller leaflets are usually oval. Ovary and capsules smooth and glabrous.

3, Jinyi Huang Ling root hypertrophy. Plant parts have more or less vellus pilose. Leaflets 6 to 9 pairs, rectangular or broadly elliptic, 7 to 19 mm long, 3 to 8 mm wide, apex obtuse, sometimes emarginate, abaxially sparsely pilose; stipules lanceolate. Racemes, flowers 3 to 13; calyx campanulate, caries 5; corolla yellow, flag petal obovate, 12 mm long, 7 mm wide, wing petal has a particularly long ear, ear length and claws, keel The flap is longer than the flap and the flap, up to 15 mm; the ovary is glabrous and the style is puberulous. The pods are glabrous, obovate, 8 mm long, flat on both sides, and below them are slender ovary stalks longer than capsules with long pods on top. Seeds 1 to 2 capsules. Flowering from July to August. Born in the jungle and ravine. Distribution Hebei, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Gansu, Qinghai and other places.

4, flowers and yellow jaundice straight root thick. Stem height 15 to 100 cm. Leaflets 7 to 26 pairs, long elliptic to linear-lanceolate, 8 to 20 mm long, 2.5 to 5 mm wide, green above, glabrous, below frost white, with multiple or white basal hairs. Racemes, with 15 to 40 flowers, often to one side; total pedicels and inflorescence axis are black hair; bracts lanceolate cone, with black villous; scorpion bell, carious 5. Inside and outside densely camouflaged black hair; corolla white or yellow, keel than flag flap, wing flap short; ovary with black long hair, style hairless fruit spindle-shaped, is v hair paste black hair. Fruit and fruit period from July to September. Born in high mountains and grass slopes. Distribution of Sichuan, Qinghai, Tibet and other places.

5, Tanggu Huang Astragalus perennial herb, high 50 to 70 cm. Thick roots. Leaflets 3 to 5 pairs, narrowly ovate or oblong-ovate, 2 to 5.5 cm long and 0.8 to 2 cm wide. Racemes terminal or axillary, florets densely drooping, pendulous; pedicels short, black hirsute; sepals linear, obstructed by blackish white bristles; calyx campanulate, cuspidate tip, 3 long and 2 short, inner surface of tube is black Heavily obscured; corolla yellow, flag-spatulate, apex rounded, dimpled, ca. 17 mm, wing and keel equal in length; ovary obscured by black. Capsule spindle-shaped, about 2 cm long, with longer ovary handle. Flowering from July to August. Born in grass slope. Distribution Gansu, Sichuan, Qinghai, Tibet and other places.

Astragalus is a tall herbaceous plant perennial and belongs to the family of legumes. Summer flowering and fruiting. The roots are long, and the roots are usually excavated for more than 4 years. Remove stems and leaves from the ground and fibrous roots, air dry and cut into a 12-foot-long collection or sliced ​​medicinal. The Astragalus membranaceus collected in the autumn contains more selenium (Se), which is of better quality. Astragalus stems and leaves are rich in nutrients and are excellent feed for livestock. In addition, there are also a variety of plants belonging to the genus Astragalus which are also used for medicinal purposes in various habitats. Such as the Spring and Yellow Jasper (also known as Tibetan Yellow Skull) (Tibet), Yunnan Huangsong (Tibet, Yunnan), curved toothed yellow Skull (Yunnan), Aksu Huang Sui (Xinjiang) and so on.


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